Bionic Hand


This was my high school final project. The aim was to develop a fully functional, authentically moving bionic hand. The costs should remain low and the most basic technology should be used, on the one hand to ensure replicability and on the other hand to be able to present the technology in a way that everyone can understand.
The glove and robot hand.


The result is a fully functional robot hand that adequately reproduces the hand movements of the sensor glove wearer. Due to the sensor spacing on the glove, the joint spacing is given and the hand can only be controlled by a person with similar hand proportions to mine. In addition, the wearer's freedom of movement is slightly restricted by the size of the sensors. Since the sensor system is connected to the motor system via cables, the distance between these two components is limited. I wanted to implement the project with the simplest possible means, but had to switch from the pre-programmed RC technology to a microcontroller system to improve the accuracy, but I think that this technology is also easily accessible and understandable for everyone. This example of directly controlled robotics can be used wherever one cannot/must not be at the scene of the action, for example to defuse bombs, handle toxic chemicals or (further on) take on personal protection tasks (IRON MAN).